
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord…”

Isaiah 1:18 KJV

As Baptist Christians, we value deeply what Baptist historian Walter B. Shurden has called the four historic Baptist freedoms: Bible Freedom, Soul Freedom, Church Freedom, and Religious Freedom. (Read more about Baptist Freedoms)

Current cultural connotations about Baptists suggest a much more domineering posture, but Baptists historically were born of dissent.

As the state-established church in England in the 1600s tightened its theological and political grip on Christians, dissenters who would come to be known as Baptists splintered off and insisted on freedom to practice one’s faith in communion with other Christians as lead by the Holy Spirit. The First Baptist Church in America was founded in Providence, Rhode Island in 1638 by Roger Williams. Roger Williams, the founder of the Rhode Island Colony, was a staunch defender of religious liberty for all.

At First Baptist Church, you will find a congregation in line with that historic, “free and faithful” Baptist tradition.

We believe that 1) free souls who are given 2) the freedom to read and interpret the Bible and Church history/tradition with the best tools available in the context of a 3.) free congregation in a 4.) free state are best situated for genuine spiritual growth.

Christian Education is important to us. We use an intergenerational, discipleship-based model.

Here are some of the ways we do it:

Opportunities to Grow in Grace Together

The Worship of God: Sundays from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM in the Sanctuary. Wednesday Evening Dinner: Served beginning at 5:45 PM. $8 per plate. The Pastor’s Bible Study: Wednesdays from 6:15 PM – 7:00 PM in the TEL Chapel (see below for current study topics)
Monthly Women’s Circle meetings: Click Here
FBC Book Club: Seasonal offerings made and publicized in the church newsletters and orders of worship.
Crater Quilters: A group of quilters who meet at church to share their talents and work on projects.
Twice weekly Yoga class in the TEL Chapel: Click Here

Currently in The Pastor’s Bible Study

Rev. Zach and Rev. Dr. Kristy Bay enjoy bringing their different personalities and areas of educational expertise to the table by co-teaching this weekly offering. Each Wednesday is a stand-alone, interactive lesson and discussion time on relevant and important faith-formation topics. For the Spring 2024 “semester,” we are looking at “Faltering Toward Faith: Sacred Stories and [Un] Holy Humans.” This series is a dive into church history, and the stories and legends that have shaped centuries of Christian practice and tradition.

You are welcome here, just as you are. Come, let us reason together.

All Christian Education at First Baptist Church values open and free inquiry in community under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We believe that is the basis for genuine spiritual growth toward maturity. In other words, bring all of who you are. Your hopes and fears. Your beliefs and doubts. Your questions and lived experience. All of who you are is welcome as we “reason together.”