“…and a little child shall lead them.”
Isaiah 11:6 NRSV
At FBC, we believe in equipping children to be leaders in this world by being followers of Jesus.
We do this by ensuring that children at FBC are integrated into the life of the church: they are encouraged and loved by multiple generations, they are mentored by older youth, and they are involved and welcomed in worship.
Whether waving palms, being acolytes during Advent, praying in worship, or helping to take up the offering, children are valued and welcomed in the worship of FBC.
At FBC, our children’s spiritual formation uses Whirl.
The Christian formation and education of children is important to us—faith development begins at an early age. Our children’s ministry invites families of all configurations to partner in nurturing our children’s faith.
Andrea Lee, Chair of the Children’s Ministry Committee, and a team of adult volunteers lead a Lectionary-based program for grades preK-5. Our Childcare Coordinator, Anita Hunter, care for our “Wees” in the nursery from 10am until church is finished.
Sundays, 10:00 AM—Whirl Welcome
Join “Big Kev” &“Ms. Traci” for a fun introduction to the week’s Bible lesson, taken from the Lectionary!
Sundays, 11:00 AM—Whirl Worship & Wrap Up
All ages will be brought upstairs into the Sanctuary for an interactive children’s time during worship. Children will be dismissed after the Children’s sermon to go to their respective wrap-up locations! Pre-K & older will join Ms. Sharon (and her helper) for an in-depth look at the Bible story of the day.