Everything costs something, and we know that there are many noble causes in the world asking for your financial support.
We’re asking, too.
When you give to support of First Baptist Church of Middlesboro, KY, you are giving in support of…

A lasting, organic ministry presence in a small Appalachian town.
Regular worship and Christian education with deep historical roots, a heart for the modern world and its unique challenges to life and faith, and a commitment to the way of Jesus Christ.
The Appalachian Immersion ministry—a 21st century ministry doing deep and lasting 21st-century missions work, built around Jesus’ Great Commandment to “love God, love neighbor.”
A deep commitment to Jesus’ command to “feed the hungry, invite in the stranger, clothe the naked, and visit the sick and the imprisoned.”
A congregation in which every member is a minister, and every member takes seriously her or his commitment to sharing the love and grace of God with the community in the way Francis of Assisi advised: “Preach the Gospel at all times; when necessary, use words.”