Come, Do Church with Us…


10:00 AM

Children’s Sunday School/Nursery (birth–5th grade)

10:15 AM

Fellowship in the Foyer

A meet & greet time with coffee, and sweet and savory breakfast snacks. There is lots of space to sit or stand and enjoy fellowship with others before worship.


11:00 AM


Includes a Children’s Time, and then kids are escorted back downstairs


5:00 PM

Handbell Choir Rehearsal (Music Suite)

Join the handbell choir on Mondays—no prior experience necessary! Childcare is provided. Questions? Contact Rev. Dr. Kristy Bay.


6:00 PM (Last Tuesday of Each Month)

Venture Women’s Circle Meeting

A time of fellowship and service projects. For more information, contact Carol Stapleton.


On Wednesdays, the church nursery is available.

4:30 PM

 “Claiming Your Calm” class (Foyer)

A combination/fusion yoga, qigong, and tai chi class, the class is designed to get you out of your head and into your body—and spirit!—where you might find grounding.

5:45 PM


Served in the TEL chapel for all ages. $8 adult, $5 child.

6:00 PM

Bible Study & Prayer in TEL Chapel

Co-led by Rev. Zach Bay and Rev. Dr. Kristy Bay. Children’s programming (Bible story, music, and free-play) for 5th grade and under.

For more information on our current Bible Study topic, click here.

7:15 PM

Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal


Yoga with Becky

Check social media for class offerings.

Flower Committee

Enhances our worship space with stunning, seasonal visual arrangements.

Crafter Quilters

Contact Betty Nagle for information.

Fellowship Lunches

Offered throughout the year.

Appalachian Immersion events

Offered throughout the year.

Children’s Ministry special events

Offered throughout the year.