Come, Do Church with Us…
10:00 AM
Children’s Sunday School/Nursery (birth–5th grade)
10:15 AM
Fellowship in the Foyer
A meet & greet time with coffee, and sweet and savory breakfast snacks. There is lots of space to sit or stand and enjoy fellowship with others before worship.
11:00 AM
Worship (includes a Children’s Time, and then kids are escorted back downstairs)
5:00 PM (Monthly)
Youth Small Group with Revs. Zach and Kristy Bay. Email Zach Bay for more information.
6:00 PM (Last Tuesday of Each Month)
Venture Women’s Circle Meeting. A time of fellowship and service projects. For more information, contact Carol Stapleton.
On Wednesdays, the church nursery is available.
5:45 PM
Dinner is served in the TEL Chapel, $8 per plate. Childcare is available.
6:00 PM
Pastor’s Bible Study & Dinner in the TEL Chapel. Childcare is available.
7:15 PM
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am
Yoga with Becky Bowling
Join us in the chapel for a vinyasa flow class suitable for all levels of experience. Cost: $6 per class
Young & Middle-Aged Adult Fellowship. Email Summer Martin for more information.