Request for Use of Facility
The Missional Transitions Team, in an effort to increase partnerships in our community, proposes this policy as a step toward collaboration with area organizations and individuals. This team draws representation from church committees, programs, and ministries, to envision ministry beyond our church walls and to make our facilities available to outside groups.
A. General Policy on Facility Use
Our church seeks to serve our community and area families by making our building available for outside events. Thus, so long as not in conflict with church activities or policies, church facilities may be used by community groups and families with prior approval. We also seek to partner with like-minded organizations by making our facilities useful to outside events and organizations.
B. Specific Policies
1. Church properties are to be used in a manner and for purposes consistent with the Christian mission of our church, its federal tax-exempt status, and local property tax exemptions.
2. Any use of the church building is to be consistent with our constitution and by-laws, as well as other stated church policies. This policy applies to church members as well as non-members from the community.
3. Persons or groups wishing to request the use of the building should submit a written request via this form to the church office indicating the requested date, time of use, purpose, rooms to be utilized, persons responsible, and other information as may be requested. No use will be confirmed or reserved until the application is received and approved. The church office administrator will then record it on the calendar.
4. The church office will maintain the official calendar, nothing scheduled church events as well as approved non-church events.
5. This policy will be subject to review annually by the House Committee, which should offer amendments, as needed, back to the church membership. The church will hold final authority concerning changes to this policy.
6. Outside requests to use the church facilities will be reviewed by the Pastor and Chair of the House Committee. If the use is clearly consistent with this policy and the request comes from a responsible party, they may approve an activity or the committee chair may delegate that decision to the church staff. When in doubt or when they are not familiar with an outside organization, the Pastor and Chair should refer the matter to the entire House Committee.
7. Groups using the church facilities are expected to clean any area they use or arrange for custodial clean up in advance. Depending on the nature of the group or activity, the church reserves the right to require a clean-up deposit to cover janitorial services. In certain circumstances, the church may require evidence of insurance.
8. When an outside organization makes use of our facilities, the Missional Transitions Team will assume ultimate responsibility to see that church facilities are left clean and in good order.
C. Prohibited Uses
1. The church building may not be used for commercial purposes, for profit, for partisan political efforts, or by organizations that advocate laws or policies directly contrary to the doctrines and beliefs of this congregation.
2. No smoking or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances will be permitted on the church grounds.
3. Church policy generally prohibits the serving of food in the sanctuary. It also limits food service in other areas, unless approved in advance.
4. The posting of signs or materials on the walls is prohibited unless requested and approved through the application process.