First Baptist Church

Middlesboro, KY

All Are Welcome Here

At First Baptist, we recognize that God calls us to be active participants in God’s Kingdom. Our ecumenical spirit has led us to partner with churches of all denominations in order to participate in God’s transformational work in this world. 

Our Approach

We believe that as the church, God has called us to be faithful in our stewardship, authentic in our worship, steadfast in our discipleship, courageous in our mission, and enthusiastic in our fellowship, and we welcome those who wish to journey with us.


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Do Church With Us


10:00am Whirl Welcome (children’s area)
10:15am Fellowship in the Foyer
11:00am Worship (including Whirl Worship & Whirl Wrap Up for children)


5:45pm  Dinner is ready (Childcare available)
6:00pm  Pastor’s Bible Study & Dinner (Childcare available)
7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

Appalachian Immersion

Appalachian Immersion is “missions” for the 21st-century. The old, 20th-century way of marshaling missionaries and sending them around the globe to impart Christianity upon the “unsaved” and “unchurched” did some good, but it also too often inadvertently exported American culture along with the Gospel message.