Osborne Reception

Osborne Reception

Due to illness, David and Piddle Osborne regretfully need to cancel their planned Wedding Reception and New Year’s Day Open House. David has the flu—please remember him and Piddle as you pray this week and next.
Osborne Reception

Wedding Reception & Open House

NEW YEAR’S DAY, 10 AM to 2 PM. You’re invited to join Piddle and David Osborne for a Wedding Reception and Open House. Piddle and David were married this year on the First Sunday of Advent in the afternoon in a private ceremony. They would like to celebrate their...
Lesson, Carols, and Candlelight Service

Lesson, Carols, and Candlelight Service

The FBC Middlesboro Lesson, Carols, and Candlelight service will be on Sunday, December 15 at 6:00 pm. As is our tradition, this service begins in the sanctuary and ends on the front lawn with caroling and the lighting of the FBC Live Nativity. All are welcome.